Prehistory of Damp-e e-commerce way

The magento 1 version no longer met the requirements of time and is going to lost support.
And not only from the design point of view. Since the first release of Damp-e website, the e-commerce industry has dramatically transformed.
Their existing website could not meet today's customers' needs for practicality and simplicity, neither Damp-e own complex management requirements.
At that point, Magento 2 PWA was just announced, and choosing it as a platform would be a risky step ahead.
Skynix took that risk and proposed to try it, and that was a good choice.
Having passed a difficult way through the raw Magento 2 PWA development, Skynix team managed to get all the necessary components working as a breeze.
Damp-e received a full-featured system which has now become their team's reliable companion, remarkably transforming their operations, skyrocketing their ROI and allowing them to keep growing for years to come.
Custom progressive e-commerce solution to meet all business needs

Core features of the site:

Speaking about Damp-e, such customizations included:
- 12 third party premium level modules installed
- a unique theme created from scratch
- Google Tag Manager integrated and configured for Enhanced e-commerce analysis
- Olark and Live chat services were implemented for gathering data from many different custom forms
- reCaptcha and Cloudflare set to perform better content delivery and DDOS protection
- Data-migration tool is configured to migrate all data from old Magento 1 to the new Magento 2 store
- MyParcel module is configured for integration with a local post service
- PostcodeNl module is configured for integration with a local addresses service
- Offline access is configured with PWA

Results of 6 months agile development

Is PWA Magento 2 really perfect? Does it cover all needs?
First, they migrated outdated Magento 1 to modern Magento 2
They got improved Magento 2 Admin Interface with many e-commerce useful features available out of the box.
The solution provided reach RESTful and Graphql APIs needed for coding Progressive Web Application.
The migration gave significant economy with security enhancements.
Second, they got Progressive Web Application
The benefits of PWA they got are obvious: conversion rate growth, reduction in application weight, reduced resources cost when increased the number of users, offline mode and much more.
Progressive Web Application was coded using React Framework, what made development costs much lower, because did not require rare, specific resources.
This helped to speed up the growing process 1.5 times, open new offline shops and expand business abroad.