History of Hub Lenses Arabic store way

The right Magento 2 stack was initially chosen for an ambitious e-commerce project. It was easy to start, support, and develop complex requirements.
Since the first release of the Hub Lenses e-commerce store, it was easily upgraded between major Magento versions.
Skynix was working on presenting new features like multistore of Magento to our potential customers.
At the same time, the Hub Lenses team experienced a lack of market in the Arabic world.
Hub Lenses team became the first client of Skynix in implementing multisite architecture with RTL support.
Having passed a difficult way through the new architecture, the Skynix team managed to get all the requirements implemented like a breeze.
Hub Lenses ecommerce store became a full-featured multisite with RTL support and their team’s reliable companion, remarkably transforming their operations, skyrocketing their ROI, and allowing them to keep growing for years to come.
Custom multisite Magento solution to meet all business needs

Core features of the Magento 2 RTL Multisite:
Results of 3 months agile development
Firstly, Hub Lenses was rapidly growing with major Magento 2 versions
They got an improved User Interface with many features available out of the box.
The provided solution is enriched by RESTful and Graphql APIs needed for coding Progressive UI.
The migration gave a significant economy with security enhancements.
Secondly, the client got Modern Web Application
The benefits of the Modern applications: conversion rate growth, reduction in application weight, reduced resources cost even with an increased number of users, offline mode, and much more.
We delivered the modern application using best practices in coding the Magento 2 blank theme, which made development costs much lower as it did not require rare, specific resources.
It helps to speed up the growth process x1.5 times, involves new clients, and expands business abroad.