Why build an e-commerce store in Magento 2?
If shortly, the answer is simple: Magento is great!
In detail: with Magento, you can build anything.
Specifically, in Magento 2 our development team had already delivered various projects.
Also, we had been working a lot on custom API development for the mobile applications connected to Magento 2 backend. Whichever solution might be required - Magento 2 offers its unique flexibility and possibility to get the max out of it.
Ready to start your Magento 2 project? Drop us a line!
The best examples of Magento 2 solutions Skynix development company had built

go to websiteBikebiz - fully custom M2 webshop. This site utilizes a set of many custom features developed:
- custom M2 theme
- several integrations with warehousing software
- single-sign-on module
- many custom-built Magento 2 extensions
- integrated Algolia-search and more...
Magento 2 PWA Solution Based On React Storefront.
Current example shows how to utilize Magento on the maximum level

With swift and blazing load speed, the progressive web application React-based Magento 2 theme allows boosting sales a lot as the user experience becomes absolutely seamless.

How do I know that I need Magento?
How many products can Magento 2 handle?
Normally it is considered that Magento is good once you have got about 2000 product and more (up to 1 million and way more). Also, once there was a no-product Magento marketing site in use. It purely depends on your vision of the system in 2-3 and in 5-7 years perspective. But, quite often we were experiencing the clients happy having just a few products in their Magento store. In case you have got plans to evolve and develop further - Magento is the best to start with and to grow further.
How to build a great theme in Magento 2?
It depends on the budget. There are three options to consider, from cheapest to the most efficient one. You can buy and mount the ready-made template. You can design and custom-code the unique theme, based on any template or based on a blank template. You may design and code the instant speed PWA theme based on Vue or React storefront.
How to set up an integration in Magento 2?
If the appropriate extension for the integration with ERP, CRM, or with any product information management system or with inventory management system exists - use it, and maybe customize it a little. If you need something complex - well, you have to develop it, and that would likely cost a lot.
How to set up, configure and use Elasticsearch in Magento 2?
Starting from Magento version 2.4 Elasticsearch is an integral part of Magento system, and the appropriate server resource for it should be considered.
Is it hard to run and manage Magento 2 webshop as admin?
It might feel complicated, yes. But first please answer yourself - which webshop is easy? Probably the one you are used to... But if you want Magento you are probably aware you have to learn how certain things work. Luckily there are tons of guides and documentation.
How to set up Magento 2 store on your own?
Yes, you can do it by yourself. Magento 2 is free of charge in the Community Edition version. You should consider proper server resources to be allocated for it. Check the Magento 2 guides for that. Oh, and of course, you need the specific knowledge in running the system on Linux, CentOS, or in Debian, you need to understand how Magento command-line interface (CLI) works, and also you will likely need to have some programming background. However, if you are lacking in some - feel free to give us a ping, our software engineers will be happy to guide and help.
How do I estimate the budget for my Magento 2 project?
This question has no direct answer.
You should consider many factors to get some understanding of how the Magento 2 website is getting built.
You should consider many factors to get some understanding of how the Magento 2 website is getting built.
Check for the calculator below - it will definitely help you to understand possible variations.
Also, you will be prepared, as you need to figure out the answers to the questions asked in the calculator before you actually start your Magento 2 e-commerce project.
Play around and enjoy. And feel free to give us a ping once you feel you are ready to start with your Magento 2 project.